It starts with an inquiry

Create the first node of your map by telling Draum what you want to explore, then generate and connect subtopics according to your thought process.

Map view

Visualize your process

  • A bird's eye view

    The mind map structure allows you to visualize your research process no matter how complex.

  • All in one place

    Instead of flicking through endless tabs, keep your research consolidated and easy to revisit.

  • Organize as you go

    Move subtopic nodes around the canvas to reflect your thinking and the evolution of your discoveries.

Topic View

Sharpen your focus, dig deeper

The topic view lets you read information, ask follow-up questions and grow your map by exploring relevant subtopics

  • Concise summaries

    Draum uses artificial intelligence to summarize topics based on the information you ask for.

  • An intuitive path into subtopics

    When a part of a summary piques your interest, simply highlight it and turn it into a new subtopic node.

  • Ask for clarification

    In the topic view, you can ask follow-up questions for any extra information or clarification you may need.


Know your sources

  • Easy access to sources

    The publications, papers and websites that Draum draws from to compose summaries are cited and clickable for your easy reference.

  • Add custom libraries
    Coming soon!

    Upload and explore your own sources from pdf or text files, or get access to premium custom content libraries.

Make your first map

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