Our vision

A better research tool

Our vision is to build a better research experience, free from the usual distractions of the Internet. One that allows you to freely explore wherever your curiosity lies, and document your process as you go.


  • A photo of Svein Willassen, CEO of Draum. He's standing outside in a forested area, wearing a blue sweater.

    Svein Willassen

    Chief Executive Officer

  • A photo of Dag-Inge Aas, CTO of Draum. He's standing outside in a hilly area, wearing an orange windbreaker.

    Dag-Inge Aas

    Chief Technology Officer

  • A photo of Nienke Dekker, Senior Software Engineer at Draum. She's standing inside in front of green plants, wearing a black vest.

    Nienke Dekker

    Senior Software Engineer

  • A photo of Julie Elise Hauge, Head of Design at Draum. She's standing outside, wearing a green checkered scarf.

    Julie Elise Hauge

    Head of Design

Our workplace values

Balance, trust and independence

We believe that to build a great product you need a team that feels mutual trust, freedom to show up as they are, and motivated by our working environment.

  • We build trust

    We want to create an environment where we feel empowered to make decisions, and can feel proud of the work that we do. Where we feel that we matter, are listened to, and can contribute with our ideas.

  • We make mistakes

    We want to build a place where we recognize that we are human, and humans make mistakes, so we own them collectively, design for failure, and focus on learning.

  • We work remote

    We work where life happens, and that might not necessarily be in an office, or in the same location. We focus on building trust in remote relationships through offsites, and social activities.

Contact us at hello@draum.com