A new tool for discovery

Research mapped

Draum is an intuitive tool for in-depth research that documents your findings as you go. Your curiosity is the limit.

Try Draum for free


Powerful features for a better research experience

Intuitive mind map structure

The mind map allows you to explore complex topics without losing track of your tabs.

AI-powered summaries

Draum uses artificial intelligence to fetch and consolidate the information you ask for.

Infinite subtopics

Your map can have infinite branches so your research can be both deep and broad.

Cited sources

All summaries include visible, clickable sources so you know where the information comes from.

Share with others

Let your map be a tool for peers, students, and collaborators.

Why Draum

Stop getting lost in endless tabs

Draum lets you follow your train of thought without losing track of your sources, no matter how broad or specific your inquiry.

  • Explore broad, complex topics

    By allowing you to move in multiple directions at once, you can build an understanding of any topic according to your thought process.

  • Focused and specific

    So you don’t have to sift through numerous pages to find something, Draum fetches only the information you ask for.

  • Sources beyond the Internet

    Do you have a particular document you need to include in your research? Upload custom sources to your Draum account.

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